Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dazzleships: Ringin' in the New

It's 2012! Live it up! (And try to make it home in the same clothes you went out in.)

source: none magazine  photo credit: miki barlok

Friday, December 30, 2011

Rooms on Film: Mission: Impossible II

So there's this new movie out, Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol, which I definitely plan to see. Action movies are absolutely my thing. But in the course of reviewing the new movie, many people have passed judgment on it's three predecessors, particularly M:I-2. Despite the fact that M:I-2 outgrossed the other films by $10 million to date, it is apparently the least loved in the series. 

But not by me. Oh, no. M:I-2 is one of my guilty pleasures, right up there with The Legend of Billie Jean. Actually, higher.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Color Texture Pattern: Bohemian Winter Retreat

Times like these, when the weather is bouncing between cold, crisp and bone-chilling, all my hopes and dreams are reduced to wishes for a warm shelter, hot food and bright colors to remind me there is a spring coming. I think my apartment does a fair job of providing all these things. But two things my little NYC breadbox lacks are space and natural light. 

So, I'll spend this weekend soaking up the scant five hours of morning sunshine that pools near my bay window while dreaming of this airy, snowbound Alpine sanctuary. 

The eclectic mix is pretty spirited: low couches, bright pillows in kantha and suzani prints, an antique oriental table, a bright blue midcentury chair, chinese lantern frames, sheepskins and rugs in wool and jute.
source: maison francaise;  all photos: frederic ducout

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Exotic Beds: Sumptuous Ikat

When I stumbled on this bedding from N Natori it almost made me scream. Purple, pink and gold, with a hint of indigo. Makes you want to swan dive into luxury. All hail the Chapan comforter collection!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

At Long Last: "Before Sunrise 3"...?

wouldn't it be lovely if their story could be this moment forever?
There's a dirty a rumor going around that Celine & Jesse might be thrice charmed in the reasonably near future. Apparently a rumor that Ethan Hawke regrets starting. I'm actually torn about this. On the one hand, we have a couple about my age whose dynamic so perfectly captures my generation. (Maybe other generations too, but I've only experienced my own.) Seeing more of their growth would certainly be a pleasure, especially for those of us just now accepting the reality of our parents' mortality. And our own. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Earthy Neutrals: Vivaterra's Home Collection

If Vivaterra had a New York store front, my nose would be glued to the window right now. Their home goods are earthy, exotic and really sing out at a time like this, when cozy bedding is the order of the day. My small weakness for exotic mirrors would be well-sated by one of these:

moorish mirror: the perfect shape for my entry wall